


Hari Shree students gardening
Hari Shree students board activities
Hari Shree students fun


At Chettinad Harishree Vidyalayam, in the Primary years we focus on developing learners who are compassionate, responsible, confident, reflective and innovative.

Transition from Pre Primary

Homeroom teaching system is opted for grades 1, 2 and 3 for a smooth transition from Pre-Primary to Primary years. In the primary learning environment, the homeroom teacher handles all the core subjects which helps learners to adapt, trust and connect with the teacher and strengthen the healthy teacher-student relationship.

Our Primary Years Program comprises Grades 1 to 5 for children aged 5 to 11 years old. Our curriculum is based on the Cambridge framework which focuses on providing an engaging and joyful learning environment. The curriculum focuses on forging lifelong learning competencies that go beyond transfer of knowledge and encourages a skill-based learning experience. Continuous evaluation of learning happens through formative and summative assessments. A healthy teacher-student ratio is maintained to ensure a wholesome and focused classroom experience with better student engagement.

The Cambridge primary programme, provides learners with a holistic learning experience that simultaneously develops their personal and academic potential. We empower young learners to think, collaborate, analyse and contribute towards meaningful connections rather than rote learning. We prepare learners for a smooth transition to school by developing independence, confidence and a love for learning.

Socio-Emotional Development

Thematic Circle time

At Chettinad Harishree Vidyalayam, the day starts with a Circle time and thematic mindfulness activities which focuses on developing social emotional skills and wellness activities. Our circle time is designed to promote self-esteem, empathy and foster positive relationship skills. Learners understand the significance of sharing their personal experiences to others and the importance of empathetic listening.

Subjects offered

Cambridge Primary English

Cambridge Primary Mathematics

Cambridge Primary Science

Cambridge Primary Global perspectives

Cambridge Primary Computing

Co-curricular activities

Dance, Music, Yoga, Theatre, Physical Literacy, Art

Languages offered

Tamil and Hindi are the languages offered at an elementary level at Grade 1 to introduce the languages during their formative years. The curriculum and learning activities are designed to focus on the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills and to help learners develop the vocabulary required for a strong foundation in acquiring the languages.


Computer science curriculum for grades 1 to 5 gives an exposure on the basic applications of computers and how to use them effectively and efficiently. It promotes creative skills, provides the learners an opportunity to think critically and solve problems by preparing them for a digital future.

Our Unique Library

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!” We have a rich and inviting library on our campus where learners are encouraged to develop a love for reading through various activities. Learners are also encouraged to get inspired from the books they read and write their own poems and stories.

Reading Programme

Our reading programme allows learners to express their understanding of a book in a visually engaging and creative format. The program incorporates reflective practices like creating comic strips, book review and book recommendations enhancing the joy of reading, developing literacy skills and promoting the reading culture.

Green Education and Wall less learning

The vision of our school aims in building responsible global citizens who are mindful of their actions and join hands to conserve our environment. Green education is integrated with our curriculum where learners are provided experiential learning following sustainable practices.

In the Primary years, the focus is on exploration and understanding their landscape. They are given the opportunity to cultivate their own plants and observe the stages of growth on a regular basis. They take care of the plants by removing the weeds, use manure from the school’s compost pit and finally harvest the yield. This journey gives them an experience of farming and the challenges are considered as the learning phase.

When the learning opportunities are more effective and meaningful beyond the four walls, classes are designed outdoors which are wall-less classes. Wall-less classes are also designed to help learners connect with real life experiences. The sessions provide inquiry-based learning, where learning becomes engaging and experiential.

Transition from Primary to Lower Secondary

The transition from Primary to Middle School is meticulously and thoughtfully planned. After three years of being in a Homeroom learning environment, the child is introduced to different teachers for subjects from Grade 4 onwards, to prepare them for and ease them into the environment in the Lower Secondary years. Teachers of Primary and Lower Secondary plan the curriculum and activities for Grade 4 onwards to aid a smooth transition to the lower secondary years.

Hari Shree primary students
Hari Shree students planting
Hari Shree caring learner students

Co Curriculum

Music: Music is an integral part of the curriculum which assists in developing social skills. Music fosters powerful study habits and discipline. Learners are exposed to a large amount of vocabulary and exposure to languages. Facilitators collaborate with the music experts to provide enriching lessons.

Learn More about Music at Hari Shree

Art: Learners are encouraged to interpret and convey their ideas and emotions through artistic expressions. Art facilitators incorporate academics into the curriculum and age appropriate activities are designed for the learners. Learners are motivated to contribute their creative work of art during events and celebrations.

Learn More about Art at Hari Shree

Dance: Learners are exposed to various dance forms including western, classical, and folk forms that prevail in both local and global traditions. Learners gain exposure to diverse styles of dance forms fostering a sense of cultural awareness, tolerance and respect for others.

Learn More about Dance at Hari Shree

Theatre: Professionally trained and experienced teachers contribute in moulding the learners with knowledge, feelings, thoughts, sensations, and experience. Theatre sessions impart creativity, inquiry, communication, empathy, cooperation, leadership, self confidence and negotiation skills among learners.

Learn More about Theatre at Hari Shree

Physical Literacy: Physical education in the primary grades encourages the learners and helps them develop muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and fitness. Physical educators design their lessons to accommodate learners of different abilities with varied activities and PE classes are also integrated with the concepts pertaining to the topics the learners are involved in.

Learn More about Sports at Hari Shree

Yoga: Learners are encouraged to practice yoga as a way of life. Awareness is brought among the learners on the health benefits of regular yoga practice, the sense of well -being, and how it brings an optimistic outlook in life.

Learn More about Yoga at Hari Shree

Purna Vidya:Learners are introduced to the vedic heritage teaching program offering an insight into the vision of Vedas and the vast literature and religious culture of India. Purna vidya education is introduced from Grade 1 and the curriculum is graded to the level of learners involving culture centric and holistic educational approach.

Learn more about Purna Vidya

Field trip and Projects: As an integral part of our curriculum, learners visit various places as a part of field trip during their academic year to acquire an in-depth understanding of the various concepts they learn. They visit museums, parks, historical places to know more about cultural heritage and events that shaped our society. Simple projects are assigned for learners to develop their critical thinking skills and problem solving skills.

Learn More about Field Trips and Outbound Trips

Hari Sree annual clumination
Hari Shree students planting
Hari Shree community helpers