On the 22nd of November, students of grade XII left Chennai with much joy and excitement as they boarded the train to Bangalore. From there, they headed to the historically famous location of Hampi. This five-day trip was well planned in connection to ‘Utsav’ and understanding our cultural roots and heritage. The students visited Virupaksha temple, the UNESCO world heritage site and the Tungabhadra Dam. The dam visit demanded students to be extremely active as they had to trek and climb to get a good view of this place. The students appreciated the rich culture of Hampi and the friendly environment along with its business free surroundings. They also compared and contrasted the architecture of Hampi to the other historical places they’ve visited which unleashed their creative and analytical thought process. All in all, it was a memorable trip and a perfect combination of the past, present and the future.
– Sandhya Kanakasri Melpakkam, Grade XII