As part of the ‘make your school greener’ competition, conducted by the Indian Green Building Council, ten ideas were presented to make our school eco-friendlier, focusing on the main objectives of renewable energy, water efficiency, waste management, better environment quality and green education. From among the presentations of over eight hundred participating schools, ours was chosen as one of the top three by the jury. The second round of the competition was held in Hyderabad. It was a three-day conference. We had the opportunity to showcase our presentation to the jury. After our presentation, we were quizzed by the judges to eventually convince them of implementation of our ideas. Prize money of four lakhs was given to the three winning schools. IGBC will conduct regular audits before rating the schools a “Green Building” under the silver, gold or platinum category. Hari Shree was given the award for ideas most beneficial to both school and society. – Tejas, Sricharan Komateswar, Pranav Arcot, G Hamsini, Mekala Bala Gopal and Vidyuth T